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Middleagedacne OP t1_jdt4hrc wrote

I was mistaken 4400 block of Ohio River Blvd.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jdu87p1 wrote

That's the closest address to the location but they found her on the right bank of the Ohio, kinda across from Davis island I think.


Middleagedacne OP t1_jdva7sz wrote

I saw more so by the railroad but that’s even farther away from the river? Let alone how would a person get down there. I’ve worked in the area daily for the last two years and I never fear my safety or nothing but it’s all just wacky and to just disappear from a nice area like that is crazy to me.


Middleagedacne OP t1_jdvacgk wrote

Let alone be found a mile or so three months later from where you were last seen is very odd.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jdw0xfm wrote

The railroad is directly adjacent to the river. But yeah, the circumstances are odd. But I don't know the state her body was in, but it could be that her body was just hung up in the river in that area for some time.