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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcqrrjc wrote

Yeah, the cyclist is the dickhead in this situation.

I'll do what it takes to keep myself safe, including filtering. If that makes me a dickhead to some asshole with terminal carbrain, so be it.


S4ltyInt3ractions t1_jcqt1xo wrote

Yeah the strawman link still makes you a dickhead lol


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_jcqtaij wrote

That dispute was over filtering.
The problem here is that people stuck in their cars see someone moving faster than they are and they get mad over it because it's unfair in their opinion. No more, no less. The arguing over legality is just window dressing for their little baby brains getting mad over being passed.

I don't want to get killed in a squeeze crash so I'm going to filter. Cope and seethe.


TonyUncleJohnny412 OP t1_jcqw19u wrote

Maybe people would take your opinion more seriously if you weren’t such an insufferable cunt in literally every comment you post. There’s a reason your history is full of downvotes and arguments.