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HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdzqjyn wrote

What did you do to poison it? Certain methods work faster than others.

Edit: Also, depending on when in "fall" you treated it, you may have been too late. If the leaves had already started to turn red, you missed your chance.


MrChichibadman OP t1_je1mnrj wrote

I hacked into various places around the trunk and sprayed 73.3% glyphosate into it. It was early September, and again about a month later.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_je1o2cs wrote

Couple thoughts:

Glyphosate works, triclopyr is better for ToH (per PA Dept of Ag, Penn State Ag Extension). Tractor Supply sells "Brushtox," a highly-concentrated Triclopyr-based product.

You did what's called "hack-and-squirt" - a recommended method for treating ToH, but it's known to take several applications over a year or two to really work.

Try cutting the herbicide with a little bit of diesel - the thickened mixture will sit in the hacks, whereas unmixed herbicide can just trickle out.

September is pushing you luck at the end of the season. At the end of the growing season, the tree pulls nutrients into the roots for the dormant season. Herbicides must be applied before this starts. A good indicator that this has started is red-colored leaves. If the leaves are red, it's too late.

Depending on the size of the plant, a foliar application can work relatively quickly, but if it's too big, spraying the leaves may be unsafe as herbicide can blow back at you.

Sounds like you're on the right track, but may need one or two more applications this year. Just whatever you do, do not cut it down until you are certain the damn thing is dead.


MrChichibadman OP t1_je1v4th wrote

I’ll try the brush tox in August. Thanks.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_je1xc27 wrote

Last year, I called the manufacturer to verify appropriate use for it on ToH, I have notes somewhere. I'll dig them out later and PM you their instructions.