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More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_jdia5q5 wrote

Here we go, another parking chair/cone discussion. I think the general opinion on this is pretty well established here.


RevolutionaryYam8676 t1_jdiaf0b wrote

Sorry, I’m not up to date with everything that’s been posted here. Is this a common discussion?


More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_jdibdex wrote

Not trying to be an ass, but there are certain topics that get brought up repeatedly (pizza, Primanti's, anything to do with driving) that generate the same exact tenor in terms of sentiment. You start feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

No one (or hardly anyone) is going to reply saying, "Yes, this is great. I'm all for putting objects into parking spots as a form of territorial pissing to claim one's spot. More of that."


RevolutionaryYam8676 t1_jdicd7v wrote

I see. Sorry, I’m new to this sub and had no idea this had been brought up before.

I only ask because I have the tendency to over analyze certain situations. I didn’t know if I was over thinking something that was totally normal, or if other folks also found it to be irritating.


More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_jdidpil wrote

Again, not trying to be an ass at you. But I think the general sentiment you'll see is that outside of rare exceptions (e.g., snowstorms), people aren't down with this. It's a practice that was done, or at least tolerated, by past generations. Now it's viewed as selfish because it's essentially laying claim to public property you don't own.

People may differ on what to do about it. Some will say move them and park there, anyhow. I'm not inclined to do that. You don't know who you're messing with. It could be someone who doesn't care, and you park there and it's fine. Or you could come back and find your car keyed or otherwise. In my mind, if someone wants to be a dick and claim it, whatever. It's not worth escalating a situation with some random and I'm not out to right other people's wrongs in the world, so I'll just find another spot.