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enoughstreet t1_jdsizi6 wrote

I enjoy walking through market district if I am in an area that has one. Do I buy stuff there? Not much.

But overall my family has gotten better deals at Martins, haven’t tried Krogers often either.

Sadly it’s a time period where we have 1-3 good busy at store, rest is high price so we have to have control.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdsqoxl wrote

>rest is high price so we have to have control.

My favorite cereal is just under $5 at Walmart. Exact same box is almost $7 at Market District. Giant Eagle can suck it.


James19991 t1_jdstb6s wrote

I feel like deli meat is regularly two to even four dollars more per pound at Giant Eagle than Shop and Save.


fryerandice t1_jdswodm wrote

It is, everything is. And the number of times I have had the running total on my phone from the posted prices of products and at checkout somehow spent another 50% of what I added up shopping and gone WHAT THE FUCK.

I don't go into giant eagle anymore, not even out of convenience.

Market District branded shit is just great value marked up past name brand stuff, I said it.


James19991 t1_jdt6a24 wrote

I quit going as well myself in the last year. They were just getting too outrageous.