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ThatFabulousBastard t1_jeeqwzz wrote

On the surface it's identical to anime and sci fi fandom conventions.

However, I was part of the furry fandom for 20 years. It got me sexually abused and exposed to the absolute worst of sexual fetish culture.

Not every furry is a bad person, but the furry fandom is absolutely home to the most depraved, harmful, boundary violating people I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. I am being literal when I say the furry fandom has cutesy terms for child and animal coded porn. "Cub" and "Feral"

Don't assume a colorful costume has a whimsical, good natured person inside it.


not-evileye12 t1_jef5136 wrote

that was a horrifying thread. thank you for sharing and spreading awareness.