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DaRiddler70 t1_jeciugp wrote

Damnit....they're in a facility, not a shelter.

What is the matter with you???


Amrun90 t1_jecjuqj wrote

You don’t magically fix any sort of mental health or addiction problem with an inpatient stay. Doesn’t work that way.


DaRiddler70 t1_jecmzxm wrote

You don't get their ass off drugs by's a house. If that was the case, they wouldn't be burning down abandoned houses.

I'm glad you agree that you can't fix the problem with one magic step.


DaRiddler70 t1_jecn19i wrote

You don't get their ass off drugs by's a house. If that was the case, they wouldn't be burning down abandoned houses.

I'm glad you agree that you can't fix the problem with one magic step.
