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lisa-e t1_jdxb9iy wrote

based on all these comments, and based on my thrifting experience, the RW+B on 51 is NOT the best thrift store. it is certainly * a * thrift store, but it is hardly "the best" and i hate when people suggest that place.


AuntSandy t1_jdxic8m wrote

Animal Lifeline Thrift Store in Homestead.


jreiland07 t1_jdxytm2 wrote

Does Bloom’s Cut Rate in McKeesport still exist? Never went in there, just drove by it for a decade and a half and still not convinced it’s even a real place, might just be a Christmas diorama that nobody ever bothered to take down.


Biteb4ck t1_jdzhx9o wrote

Respectfully, imo it's super overpriced and the store is tiny with very, very limited selection, which is mostly meh condition or picked through for anything cute. They have some cute shoes, but they're often very well loved and also expensive. Wouldn't be my recommendation. Good thrift places are kind of sparse here.


ziggynightmare t1_je0trjp wrote

unless you wear a size small not a good pick. their prices are way too high for the condition of a lot of the items. i think the only thing i ever bought there was a pair of sunglasses because everything else was so overpriced or only small sizing....


lisa-e t1_je22kcg wrote

i prefer a thrift store with:

  • a place with good parking

  • a place with a good selection of reliable furmiture

  • a place wirh a variety of clothes and brands

-items that arent priced 2x as much (RW+B prices items for the sale. a coat that should sell for $20 will be priced at $40...and will likely not sell until their 50% off day...and they know this)

-a place that prices things so a flipper can still make a buck. RW+B will often post "Sells on Ebay for $X.xx" on their stuff behind the counter

-a place that accepts debit cards/credit cards

-a place with a dressing room

-a place that is generally clean

-a place that does not have a line that wraps around the entirety of the floor plan on wednesdays/saturdays

-a place that is open past 6pm on a weeknight so i can go there after my day job

i really could go on and on...but if you're cool with the OPPOSITE of everything i listed above, then i guess RW+B is the place for you