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Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_jea3orn wrote

>We hope that swatting won’t became a fad.

So, uh... who wants to tell them?


burritoace t1_jea6s96 wrote

Completely braindead response from the PG editorial board. How surprising!


GargantuanWitch t1_jeacbum wrote

PG editorial board, weighing in on the hot topic of... 2017.

Look for an equally-relevant thinkpiece on the renaming of Heinz Field sometime in 2040.


Urbanette t1_jeby1nh wrote

While most PG editorials seem to be recycled, angry shots at the Gainey admin at the request of the loudest whiners, this one appears to be an in-house think piece, confirming that indeed, the current PG braintrust is truly lazy and unexceptional.