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Ayy_Ayy_Ayy t1_je38co8 wrote

I like the trails in and around North Park


WonderfulWeight1195 t1_je3b7nl wrote

Boyce Mayview park into Fairview park in the south hills. It’s not on any maps but it’s a great hike.


Illustrious-Fold253 t1_je3cvjk wrote

The Rachel Carson Trail, and other connected trails in North Park, south from the pool/ballfields is really interesting. There are lots of routes around the ballfields, and most intersect the Rachel Carson trail at some point. It doesn’t matter which route you take, but once you’re on Carson, keep heading south and it drops into Pine Creek for a stretch where there is just some beautiful, isolated nature that feels so removed from city life.


iSoReddit t1_je4fvte wrote

Rachel Carson trail is pretty good, the montour trail also


Pgh-matt t1_je5nc35 wrote

Harrison hills scout trail. About 5 mile loop


brows19 t1_je77xq6 wrote

Nine mile trail in frick park!


Upbeat_Ground_932 t1_je7d3qo wrote

Panhandle trail. You can hunt for fossils. It's beautiful. Wear lots of sunscreen on sunny days!