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Novel_Engineering_29 t1_jdw77vh wrote

Counterpoint: Nah. Happy with my 15-minute corner of what is at most a 30-minute city.

Besides, if you're on a bike, crossing a bridge or going through a mountain is nearly always impossible as those roads are usually highways of one form or another.


Rook22Ti t1_jdwaphm wrote

Absolutely not. I live in the North Hills and I'd rather drive to Erie than go to the South Hills.

You all down there are dead to me.


pedantic_comments t1_jdwdcx9 wrote

Was this written by AI or a moron? They are gonna be so embarrassed when they learn about the A train.


GargantuanWitch t1_jdwzuwq wrote

I read the article and it sure seems like someone used a lot of words to say that 25 minutes isn't a real long time to have to sit in a car.

Happy to see that Sean Collier has made a career out of treading water in the kiddie pool, because this article is essentially "people, please touch grass."