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MaynardWaltrip t1_je7bby4 wrote

So I went you your Facebook page and watched a few videos… the Carolina Carnage vid posted on Feb. 5th looks legit like people are seriously beating the shit out of each other.


Wixard00 OP t1_je7bzc9 wrote

This is full contact. Striking with weapons, knees, fists, kicks etc are legal. There is no stabbing allowed, strikes to the base of the skull, back of the knees and groin are illegal. No joint locks are allowed.

In melee, last team standing wins. In the 1 v 1 formats there are various styles. The most popular are called knight fights or pro fights. They are similar to MMA as there's rounds, scoring etc. Ground fighting is usually legal in that format.

Melee and armored MMA fights are the most popular formats.

Here's a link to a clip of a 1 v 1 fight I did in the fall in the Pittsburgh waterfront