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UnsurprisingDebris t1_je4lgt5 wrote

Roosters are not allowed to be kept in yards in the City for exactly this reason. Your neighbor wasn't following the law.


ShatteredAvenger t1_je4oe45 wrote

I suspect a lot of folks only know that chickens are legal, but don't know the legal distinction between hens and roosters.


Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_je4reje wrote

It can also be hard to sex chicks accurately so some may turn into roosters and people don't know what to do.


ClothesGreen8716 OP t1_je4ykes wrote

I feel for those people, but it's one of the many reasons buying chicks isn't a good idea for most.


KeisterApartments t1_je5bxl8 wrote

Let me understand. You got the hen, the chicken, and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So who's having sex with the hen?


KentuckYSnow t1_je51l63 wrote

They probably have roosters that identify as hens.
