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fryerandice t1_jeaath4 wrote

I pressure wash my siding lol. But before I do that I buy this stuff called 30 second cleaner, they'll be setting it at the front of lowes/home depot soon. Wear sacrificial clothes the stuff is basically liquid chlorine concentrate, and even using the hose attachement they give you, it will trash your clothes.

Spray it on, 30 seconds, pressure wash off.

Don't get it on your windows, Brick, Tin, Aluminum, Vinyl, all fine.


bionica1 t1_jeadfld wrote

NICE. Thank you!! I swear this pressure washer is the best purchase as a new homeowner. It's so fucking fun. And satisfying. I can't wait to clean the siding on the house now. Garage is a different story - it has weird algea looking shit growing on it but the siding is super cheap. May try it with a hose and this cleaner. Can't wait!


fryerandice t1_jeb4xgc wrote

30 seconds cleaner will eat the algae, mold, mildew, all that. It's suprising how well it works. When you use it you won't have to pressure wash much.