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styres t1_iu1u34n wrote

Robert Pattinson wtf lol


weekendatbe t1_iu20uu5 wrote

Not the frick park bathroom but the bathroom at the frick museum


tzeriel t1_iu23pmn wrote

Here's hoping an angry parent finds him before the law does and gives him 32 hours of community service.


Zenith2017 t1_iu4nkyf wrote

Instructions unclear, am moron

It's amazing how fast an emotional reaction will take someone from believing in the rule of law and due process, to vigilante justice


dfiler t1_iu5c2yu wrote

Compared to the rest of the world and the rest of history, we incarcerate all demographics heavily. Definitely minorities and men are treated worse than others. I wouldn't classify any of our sentencing as notoriously light though.


BorisTheMansplainer t1_iu63paw wrote

It's kind of amazing how little effort people put into titling their reddit posts. To the point of being dangerously misleading. Maybe the one person who does actually read the article should be the person posting it?