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U84owe4 t1_ituru80 wrote

This is false and will be shown to be on Nov 8th. Debates matter in the context that PA independents know the Democratic Party has been hiding the severity of John’s condition. It was shocking and disheartening - shame on the Dem’s for trying to hide this. The result is OZ walking into office now.


Goggles_Greek t1_itutz9y wrote

Pretty sure Fetterman could have done cartwheels and a triple somersault and you would still accuse him of being "shocked and disheartened" because he didn't perfectly stick the landing


hybrid_throwaway_ t1_itv6wc2 wrote

before the debate the freaks were saying "fetterman is cheating because he's using a captioning device" so there's literally no way anyone on the right would give him credit for anything anyway.


U84owe4 t1_ituxi3y wrote

No, I’m saying that because the guy couldn’t complete a coherent thought and if you don’t think that doesn’t impact the average Independents view - you will be the one “shocked and disheartened” on November 8th. Everyone needs to be rational with what we witnessed last night as seen through in the eyes of the average PA independent - they will decided the race in PA


Goggles_Greek t1_ituy4df wrote

Thank God you're a certified medical practitioner and psychic so you can know his exact mental state and thoughts.

I mean, otherwise you'd just be some ableist asshole on the internet.


SamuelDoctor t1_ityd4rk wrote

You don:t sound very independently minded. You sound like you're starving for schadenfreude.


More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_ituzdam wrote

I have zero doubt that Rs (or any other major US political party, for that matter) would've been much more upfront about a candidate's status if the tables were turned. So, if you find it to be shameful and disheartening for any reason, then I assume your sentiment is not a party-specific one. Otherwise, your take is a naive one.


SamuelDoctor t1_ityd1hp wrote

I saw him in Butler County last week. He did nationally televised interviews.

I'm not sure exactly what additional transparency folks were expecting. The man had a stroke, and is suffering from aphasia. Like the big man says, no matter what happens in this election, he'll be better in January, and Oz will still be a fraud.

I want to believe that Oz would be a compromiser if he was elected, but the guy literally stood on stage and said he'll support whatever the GOP wants.

That's not being middle of the road. That's being a puppet. Say what you will about JF. He's his own man.


U84owe4 t1_ityoz5n wrote

Can you point me to where he said he will “support whatever the GOP wants”? - that is not what he said at any point during the debate.


BobK412 t1_itzrhn8 wrote

I never heard him say that either


SamuelDoctor t1_iu1ekqb wrote

He implied that he will vote on party lines in two ways:

First, he criticized John Fetterman for disagreeing with Joe Biden and other Democratic party leaders. This implies that Oz views dissent or disagreement in that respect as a negative behavior.

Secondly, he made a blanket statement that he would support the GOP candidate for president no matter who it is. That's not the kind of thing that a maverick says, despite the fact that Oz is trying to frame himself as one.

The only reason he wants to wear that hat is because he believes it is politically expedient. Take a look at his statements during the GOP primary, and ask yourself if this guy is actually going to work towards the middle at all.

The debate between the GOP candidates was almost unilaterally about who would support Trump and his policies most unilaterally.

If you'd consider voting for a healthy JF, then you should know that nothing about his platform has changed, and he'll be a lot better by January.

I've met John in person half a dozen times over the last 5 years. For me, it's about my job and my labor union.

John is the most pro-labor person in PA government.

Oz would support policies which will make my family less secure and force me to work with less dignity and bargaining power.