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CivilMyNuts t1_ituhsey wrote

Yeah. We live in a 2 party country, no shot I'm voting for Oz. Fetterman could be a head in a glass jar ala Futurama and I'd still vote for him over Oz.


KentuckYSnow t1_ituidur wrote

So far this poll tells me that 88 people are going to vote for a turnip.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituiu5m wrote

A debate only matters if there's actual policy disagreements that could sway an unresolved voter.

There's no policy in the world that could matter enough to get past the fact that Oz is a multimillionaire asshole with no experience and he doesn't even live here.

Oz admitting that he would make sure a woman's bodily autonomy is controlled by politicians was just another confirmation of how awful he is as a person and how awful he would be as a Senator.


keishathekat t1_itujr47 wrote

Although Dr. Oz had some great points in last night's debate, i don't know if he would switch up once he got into office, epecially when it comes to women's health care rights. I'm not sure if I can make sacrifice.

I heard of the incident that happened with the innocent jogger and Fetterman years ago and I don't know him enough to know if he was just 'doing the right thing' or if he was actually biased in that situation.

😳 How was he when he was mayor of braddock?! Anyone have any thoughts they would like to share?


uglybushes t1_ituk352 wrote

He could die and I would still vote for his ashes


These-Days t1_ituk5sq wrote

He has dates tattooed on his arm of people who have died of gun violence while he was mayor. Additionally, the jogger himself has since endorsed Fetterman. It is certainly not an incident that anyone looks back on fondly but I don't believe there to have been malice and I don't believe it's otherwise representative of him.

As far as Oz, he is the definitive TV snakeoil salesman, there's no reason to believe he's doing this for anyone but himself or that anything he says isn't subject to immediate change. He will toe the Republican party line unwaveringly in the Senate and does not care about the people in this state in which he doesn't reside.


soonitwillbcold t1_itukihn wrote

Was way better as a mayor and Lt Gov IMO, a star in local and state politics but at the national level I feel like he's repeating establishment talking points (to the best of his ability, which ain't great right now) and really trying to "party up". Idk if it was the stroke or if he was alaways bound to turn more middle establishment dem rather than big pot flag in the state capital Fetterman.


James19991 t1_itul56x wrote

If you are changing your mind of who you're going to vote for in the Senate race after last night's debate, don't complain on here when Joe Biden is not able to get any of his nominations for the executive branch or judicial nominees through the Senate if Cocaine Mitch becomes the leader the Senate again because Oz won.


Fever017 t1_itul9z5 wrote

Hi. Goodnight everyone! -JF


thatburghfan t1_itulnu8 wrote

It's difficult for me to recall an election of this magnitude (US Senate) that featured two outright unacceptable candidates. For me it's going to be a "hold your nose and choose one".

I don't expect to agree with everything a candidate says, but in this case we have a TV celebrity who for some reason wants to be in politics, and a politician who appears to be genuinely a good guy, but he's clearly in over his head. And whoever wins will be coached (*cough* controlled *cough*) by party leaders who will supply the staffers and therefore have ears on everything that's happening. Neither one has a record in national office so we have no insight into what they might do once in office.

Our state deserves better than this.


keishathekat t1_itumzjs wrote

Thank you so much for this.

That's another disconnect that I have with Dr. Oz, he's rich and I am not. Who's to say he's for people line me?

I have a lot of thinking to do!


These-Days t1_itunr0k wrote

One thing Oz keeps talking about is how John Fetterman was "bankrolled by his parents and given an allowance to live off of", implying he's some spoiled child. While it's true, John's parents help/ed him financially, what Oz doesn't like to point out is that the annual salary of being Mayor of Braddock is... $1800. John Fetterman probably comes from a wealthier family than you, but the amount he has gotten from his parents probably doesn't even equal out to one of Oz's 9 mansions across the world. How Oz can try not to be the "wealthy candidate" in this race is utterly hilarious to me.

Overall, to me, it barely matters anymore who the individual person is for Senate. The Congress is so hyper partisan that almost all Senators vote their party lines more than 95% of the time, and ones who don't like Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona (a very special case) are shunned by their party and unlikely to be reelected. My point is this isn't a governor's race, a senator these days is just a rubber stamp in Congress and exists to decide the majority party and therefore the majority leader. At the end of the day, all that ends up mattering is what party you want making decisions for you, and what party you want confirming Supreme Court Justices (maybe the most important consequence of retaining the senate right now).


Goggles_Greek t1_ituo2xz wrote

If he cared about people like us, if he cared about Public Service, he would have entered public service years ago, and not just swooped in to try and use his money and fame to buy an empty Senate seat in a state he doesn't live in.

I don't think Captain Crudite thinks you and I are real people.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituokk8 wrote

To be fair, Sinema gets shunned because she gets lobbied (bribed) by corporations to deliberately sink Democratic policies that would fairly tax and regulate corporations.

Fetterman in office and getting to 51+ Senators will make bribed Senators like Sinema much less powerful.


Goggles_Greek t1_itup86d wrote

It's an election.

Moderates and fence-sitters are going to be courted by both candidates.

Oz isn't going to campaign on killing Social Security, ACA, and giving himself and other obscenely rich people tax cuts, but we all know that's what he'll do if he wins and Regressives take the Senate back.

Call it lying or campaigning, but that's how it goes in a purple state like PA. I trust the good stuff from Fetterman I've seen for years. And I trust the awful things I've read about Oz and seen from Regressives, and am going to vote to make sure Oz doesn't win.


TeslaPittsburgh t1_ituqk7j wrote

Balance of power is a simple numbers game.

Until the GOP purges itself of the Trump cult, I will vote straight blue no matter who runs.

I'd rather have a bad republic than a good dictatorship.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituqlx8 wrote

Yeah. It's a crappy legislative system, and a two-party system has not been sustainable for our national health.

But those are the current rules. All we can do is make the best decisions based on the existing system.

Only way to change the system in my mind is for Democrats to win enough to gain a supermajority and get pressured and persuaded to change the systems for the better. And/or be large enough to split into two parties (that still each outnumber the right) that work as a coalition.


ejcpc17888 t1_ituqs31 wrote

If there were a reasonable alternative I'd be open to crossing party lines but there is not.


U84owe4 t1_ituru80 wrote

This is false and will be shown to be on Nov 8th. Debates matter in the context that PA independents know the Democratic Party has been hiding the severity of John’s condition. It was shocking and disheartening - shame on the Dem’s for trying to hide this. The result is OZ walking into office now.


U84owe4 t1_itus4c9 wrote

This is not the right poll question. Both Fetterman and Oz need independents to vote for them to win the seat. The poll should be specifically targeting independents not the views of Fetterman’s base. (Also, any loss in either base surely means defeat for that candidate)


Swill_srna t1_itutkeo wrote

Aphasia caused by a stroke has no effect on mental capabilities. Poor debate performance due to speech difficulties? Sure. That does not mean Fetterman can not legislate and vote in a manner that reflects the interests of those who vote for him.


Goggles_Greek t1_itutz9y wrote

Pretty sure Fetterman could have done cartwheels and a triple somersault and you would still accuse him of being "shocked and disheartened" because he didn't perfectly stick the landing


Bionaught5 t1_ituvo8c wrote

Dr. Oz sold his medical credentials down the river when he started fronting for snake oil diet pill and supplement manufactures. He knows they are fake and still promoted them anyway. D. Oz is not going to change, he will sell the rights and health of the people of PA and the USA for campaign funds, consultation fees and personal enrichment. Fetterman is not in good shape but I trust him to vote for the betterment of the people and fight for PA in the senate. Unfortunately he is not going to be orally presenting new bills to the senate. You know that Fetterman is thinking about what is better for the general public, their health and rights, and country than what is better for the personal bank balance or supporting antiquated views on abortion, drug policies and restricting personal freedoms.


NSlocal t1_ituwdrm wrote

I trust the brain in that head of Fetterman's is a capable thing. So what he's still recovering from the stroke? My mind is set. I'll never support a GQP candidate.


Roya1Je11y t1_ituwi1g wrote

Dr oz made a living lying and selling snake oil to his followers I’d vote for Pedro before I voted for him


U84owe4 t1_ituxi3y wrote

No, I’m saying that because the guy couldn’t complete a coherent thought and if you don’t think that doesn’t impact the average Independents view - you will be the one “shocked and disheartened” on November 8th. Everyone needs to be rational with what we witnessed last night as seen through in the eyes of the average PA independent - they will decided the race in PA


Goggles_Greek t1_ituy4df wrote

Thank God you're a certified medical practitioner and psychic so you can know his exact mental state and thoughts.

I mean, otherwise you'd just be some ableist asshole on the internet.


moontownshipmonster t1_ituyfq2 wrote

So many idiots on this sub. There is no excuse for what we saw last night. I care about this country and that man has serious cognitive issues. And if the plan is to elect him and then replace him, well, that's just evil.


More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_ituzdam wrote

I have zero doubt that Rs (or any other major US political party, for that matter) would've been much more upfront about a candidate's status if the tables were turned. So, if you find it to be shameful and disheartening for any reason, then I assume your sentiment is not a party-specific one. Otherwise, your take is a naive one.


hybrid_throwaway_ t1_itv6mg0 wrote

oz is an election denier and likely defrauded someone you know out of money selling quack cures on TV. he will vote to cut medicare and social security and thinks local politicians should have a say in medical decisions. he's never given a moment of public service and is only being installed by republicans to further the MAGA agenda. why the fuck would my mind be changed because fetterman was bad at a debate?


lapindeux t1_itvzmjk wrote

I’m not sure we live in a country where there are undecided voters at this point. It’s one or the other now so I’ll still be voting my party straight on Election Day.


SnooTomatoes5715 t1_itw6hch wrote

This exactly! His values and views are still the same as they were prior to the stroke. He will still vote to protect our interests. Recovery from the stroke takes longer than everyone believes.


itsjscott t1_itwiah7 wrote

Tell me you're a trump voter without saying you're a trump voter


Present_Creme_2282 t1_itwxei3 wrote

You cant be serious.

Anyone who has followed fettermans career knows what he is about.

Oz is deeply unpopular and has never polled well yet.


iSoReddit t1_itxw0cc wrote

I didn’t watch it but I know it was a bad idea that he participated


KhepriAdministration t1_itybt81 wrote

With that prerequisite to voting in this poll, it should really have a results button otherwise the results are going to be pretty skewed


SamuelDoctor t1_ityd1hp wrote

I saw him in Butler County last week. He did nationally televised interviews.

I'm not sure exactly what additional transparency folks were expecting. The man had a stroke, and is suffering from aphasia. Like the big man says, no matter what happens in this election, he'll be better in January, and Oz will still be a fraud.

I want to believe that Oz would be a compromiser if he was elected, but the guy literally stood on stage and said he'll support whatever the GOP wants.

That's not being middle of the road. That's being a puppet. Say what you will about JF. He's his own man.


moontownshipmonster t1_itzla95 wrote

I don't think the politics on this subreddit reflects all of Pittsburgh, and certainly not the area where I lived. My point is to talk about all the great things that make Pittsburgh unique and wonderful and leave the politics to another site.


Strict-Assistant6923 t1_iu0cg4l wrote

I would literally vote for Elmo before I voted for any other of those fucking demons


SamuelDoctor t1_iu0z90k wrote

The city of Pittsburgh is heavily heavily democratic in its politics. That's just a fact.

Now, if you're talking about the politics of people who say, "I'm from Pittsburgh," when they're on vacation in OBX, you'll end up with a very different set, but it won't be representative of Pittsburgh as a city or metro area.


SamuelDoctor t1_iu1ekqb wrote

He implied that he will vote on party lines in two ways:

First, he criticized John Fetterman for disagreeing with Joe Biden and other Democratic party leaders. This implies that Oz views dissent or disagreement in that respect as a negative behavior.

Secondly, he made a blanket statement that he would support the GOP candidate for president no matter who it is. That's not the kind of thing that a maverick says, despite the fact that Oz is trying to frame himself as one.

The only reason he wants to wear that hat is because he believes it is politically expedient. Take a look at his statements during the GOP primary, and ask yourself if this guy is actually going to work towards the middle at all.

The debate between the GOP candidates was almost unilaterally about who would support Trump and his policies most unilaterally.

If you'd consider voting for a healthy JF, then you should know that nothing about his platform has changed, and he'll be a lot better by January.

I've met John in person half a dozen times over the last 5 years. For me, it's about my job and my labor union.

John is the most pro-labor person in PA government.

Oz would support policies which will make my family less secure and force me to work with less dignity and bargaining power.