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AnewENTity t1_itvha5j wrote

Yep I fucked up when I stopped paying the roofer who damaged my house after he wouldn’t provide insurance info and waited for him to sue me. I hired a lawyer for the MDJ and he wrote a brief showing every way the contract was invalid under PA remodel laws. The guy didn’t even want to read it

The magistrate acted like I was lying until I showed videos of it raining in my attic in to dozens of buckets. He at first didn’t even want to watch those.

I should have went to MDJ myself then sued him in common pleas with the lawyer


Beginning-Yak-911 t1_iu1zpkv wrote

LOL you paid an attorney to bring a brief to the Magistrate Court??

It's the same price to file a complaint in the Common Pleas Court, as MDJ. You don't need an attorney, maybe a paralegal just to help draw the complaint up on a regular form.

The fact that any attorney would take your money and go to the magistrates office should tell you what attorneys are worth... At least he could have directed you to the right Court.