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just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iu6toat wrote

Can't think of a lot of pros other than a lower income tax rate and slightly lower real estate tax than the city. Which will be completely wiped out by your commuting expenses. Have you done a commute like that before? No amount of podcasts and music can make up for it, in my experience. I specifically bought a house where I'm very close to work (not quite walking distance, but there weren't any good options within walking distance and those options were extremely limited anyhow).

Cons are going to be more time spent on getting to and from work. I'd say minimum an hour a day, if not an hour and a half (round trip). You're probably going to have to pay for parking, which gets expensive. Vehicle fuel and maintenance costs go up. Do you have a car? Does the wife work from home? Are you going to have to get a second car to accommodate both of your work schedules? If so, this is just another expense to add to the list.

I'm biased myself, but I hate the mall and chain restaurants, which is mainly what the burbs have. Activities? Eh, depends on what you like but the burbs are a snore fest there too.

I don't know exactly what you're thinking or your reasons for wanting to be in monroeville, but you'd almost certainly be better served finding something in your price range in the city. The downside being that you'll probably get more house for the same price point, and city lots run smaller. But that's also less to mow. People in the suburbs like to talk about how they have a huge yard for activities, but the vast majority use about the same amount of yard as we do here, but they have triple the yard to mow. And even the price might not be true. When I was house hunting, houses in Ross township were running more expensive than similar houses in Brighton Heights.

Some other things to consider, you'll have to pay for trash pickup, which will probably run you $50-$60 a month, which, depending on your income could easily be 1% of your income (if you want to look at 1% vs 3% of city income taxes). If it's 1/2 acre or more, you're going to want a more expensive riding mower unless you absolutely love cutting grass for hours each week. You may think "oh, I need the exercise" but trust me, it gets old fast. I did that myself years ago. After the first time, I looked at riding mowers that night.

Also, if you're dead set on not being in the city, why Monroeville? If you want a single family house with a decent sized yard, there's better options in my opinion. Ross township is much closer. Shaler, Ohara, some of the south hills. Especially south hills for transit, if that doesn't conflict with your work schedule. If you just want a single family house outside the city but don't care about the yard size, a lot of the inner ring suburbs would be better too.

The short of it is, I don't know your life experiences or if you've ever lived in the burbs like Monroeville, but I have and I find it absolutely soul sucking. I'd hate to see somebody make the mistake of moving there and hating it. If nothing I've mentioned can dissuade you, then I guess you're a fit for it.


LostEnroute t1_iu920fl wrote

Great comment that really nails the choices being made.