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PolyDipsoManiac t1_irucgju wrote

Am I seeing that their salary is only up to $9000 a year? Had I known this info and their pay I would have voted yes.


B0bb3r7 OP t1_irulq6x wrote

They don't receive a salary at all. Article III, subsection 7(a) says:

>County Council Members shall not receive a salary but may receive per-meeting stipends not to exceed in the aggregate $9,000 annually per Member. The aggregate stipend may by ordinance be increased by up to five percent every five years.

Assuming they've regularly passed ordinances for the maximum increase, they'd be approaching an $11k annual stipend.


PolyDipsoManiac t1_irw4la4 wrote

Stipend, whoops. Yes, that’s not very much money. Given that state legislators making over 100 grand just didn’t want political competition I regret voting no, hah


B0bb3r7 OP t1_irykk60 wrote

lol, I'm certain it'll come up for vote again.

I agree, the general assembly is loathsome scum. It'd be refreshing to see them actually work to keep their seat.