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Cryptic_Skies t1_itzgo81 wrote


what other info are you asking after?


ASilentPartner t1_itzgzg9 wrote

Do I need a sponsor if I’m new to the area, wait times, just general questions.

They answer some things but it’s vague.


Cryptic_Skies t1_itzha40 wrote

Did you see this?

senior membership is closed, so one can only join if they are married to a member; are a minor; or a college student.


ASilentPartner t1_itzhpif wrote

Yup. Doesn’t have anything there in regards to being a “new” member there.

I’m none of those things listed. Just a guy who’s a member at another place an hour away, looking to join another club.


Cryptic_Skies t1_itzhy2j wrote

senior membership is limited to 2000 people; website states they are full.

you cannot join at this time because you dont meet the qualifications.


ASilentPartner t1_itzib8e wrote

Yes. In their bylaws it states something about needing a referral, that’s what I’m curious about.


Cryptic_Skies t1_itzimnm wrote


i would probably start calling/emailing them every few days if you dont get answers here.

sorry i wasn't able to help further.