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FuzzPunkMutt t1_itlu5i1 wrote

The trees are so excellent. This is a great picture for sure - even the river looks inviting and not like you will die of some unknown disease the minute you swim in it.


OcelotWolf t1_itlz306 wrote

When was this taken? Not this year right?


arguchik t1_itm4053 wrote

Aaaaallll the bridges <3


Emetry t1_itmfgnc wrote

like wafflecakes


vonHindenburg t1_itmo7du wrote

The fountain looks like a dove from this angle.


OcelotWolf t1_itn56h5 wrote

Good eye on the PNC signage. I noticed the bridge as well but the thing that tipped me off first was the fact that the 3 small fountains at the Point were running. Sadly I haven’t seen those operating all summer, for whatever reason


sauceboss412 t1_itnlsne wrote

I still love how well pnc plaza fits in to the skyline of Pittsburgh.


khemicalz- t1_ito79aj wrote

Great picture. Pittsburgh is such a beautiful city! While I have plans to move to Florida eventually, something tells me that I will be back.


cagillespie48 t1_itpkkzw wrote

I've always looked forward to your posts. They're the best!

Ever consider publishing an old fashioned coffee table book to make good use of the great photos?