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No_Purpose4705 t1_iufszen wrote

Lol, why are people like this? You can’t just agree to disagree? No one completely agrees with all a candidates positions … and then to make a judgement to not interact at all is baffling. I’m sure you’d agree on more than you would disagree with the business owner, regardless of political affiliation...


LockedOutOfElfland OP t1_iuft9i3 wrote

A business's ownership proudly flaunting that they're giving money and votes to candidates who would be happy if over half my friend group died in childbirth says a lot about them.


No_Purpose4705 t1_iuhssdl wrote

Just because you display a sign doesn’t mean you agree with all viewpoints - have a talk with the person. I’m pro-choice but have voted for republicans on many occasions. It’s just sometimes there are more issues I align with on a particular candidate … just in this little exchange I understand why you vote democrat and am okay with it. Right to choose is your most important issue.


tesla3by3 t1_iugkf9a wrote

We can agree to disagree on certain issues. Other issues are non starters. For me, if you’re an election denier, you won’t get my vote even if we agree on every other issue.


chiphook57 t1_iugkjzj wrote

Welcome to the pittsburgh sub. Hive mind only.
