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_MobyHick t1_itzldh7 wrote

They lose so much value as soon as you drive them off the lot.


AnonPlzzzzzz t1_itzzhro wrote

The kid that sat on Asian Santa's lap on family guy finally got his firetruck


shawnwingsit t1_iu0hv03 wrote

So, last year someone won the lottery.


contradeej t1_iu0p07l wrote

Are any of those iPads really worth anything? Is there any way to reset them so that they can be used by somebody else?

In my (admittedly limited) research, it looks like unless the previous user has explicitly logged out, there is no way to use the iPad. On top of that, it looks like only three different users can ever log into an iPad.


Buccos t1_iu0uh6t wrote

You used to be able to do it with just connecting it to itunes and full factory reset.

If that doesn't work anymore, there are 3rd party programs that do it.

Used to do IT, and when a person upgraded or was let go, I'd have to factory reset them and sometimes couldn't get a hold of them. Always could.