Submitted by babyyodaisamazing98 t3_yepvn2 in pittsburgh
CL-MotoTech t1_itzogk1 wrote
If I have to mow my fucking lawn again I might just burn the house and walk away from it all. My grass has never been healthier and thicker and this weather just keeps pumping. Meanwhile I have to work on my piece of shit lawnmower for 20 minutes every time I mow. I am over it. It is basically November, get cold already.
Elouiseotter t1_itzq6mw wrote
I’ll take a lower heating bill over having to mow a lawn any day.
Aleph_Rat t1_itzxcto wrote
You need to look into clover my man.
EllaMinnow t1_iu1786i wrote
Best decision we ever made. Grass/clover mix is the way to go since we live in a colder climate. I mowed my lawn once at the start of the season to kind of "activate" the clover for spring and it was magnificent all summer long. We had huge happy bunnies back there every day. Do it.
Aleph_Rat t1_iu19d7x wrote
Did you go through anyone in particular to do it? When I get a house here (hopefully soon but given the interest rates idk) I'm wanting to get it done.
EllaMinnow t1_iu1k063 wrote
Nope, we did it ourselves and tbh we kinda winged it just with supplies from Lowe's. Aerated the lawn, overseeded it with the clover mix, and watered the hell out of it every day for a few weeks. It took great and looks wonderful. We have a neighbor who did the same thing at the same time and didn't have as much luck and had to re-seed last March but it came together by May.
immigrantpatriot t1_iu1q05h wrote
I didn't even do that much, just literally threw the clover seeds down & then watered a bit to keep them from blowing away. Clover stays beautifully green, is soft & springy, doesn't need mowing & one of my favorite things: on summers evenings I could sit on the front porch during the golden hour & watch the bumblebees goes nuts all over it. You can make a beautiful yard with clover, native wildflowers & non invasive perennials!
covertchipmunk t1_iu2i2av wrote
This is our strategy. I just scratch the seeds in and water once and then leave it to its own devices. It also spreads on its own so it's filled in spots. My yard is full of all kinds of bees. On Tuesday there were so many out in the warm sun visiting the asters and my other flowers.
Whiplash_666 t1_itzsbi2 wrote
Early this summer it was 2-3 times a week. WTF
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