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keishathekat t1_iydlzxy wrote

Why does the news only portray crime committed by black suspects?

That's a trend that I see on various news channels. It seems like they want their narrative to show that black people are dangerous, criminals, and anything else that's negative.

  • black woman here. Ps - I don't support crime at all!

Deyverino t1_iydqtng wrote

On all levels this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read


[deleted] t1_iydq6uk wrote



keishathekat t1_iydr1wz wrote

It's not false. I am 29 years and I've seen this throughout the years. Yeah, we hear about mass shootings all over however, when it's local crime, it's usually only black suspects. Look at all the political ads that show all the crimes committed in the cities, a lot of those people are black as if only black people commit crimes. Especially if it has to do with gang activities. As if there aren't other gangs out there. Crime is committed by many people.

But I should not be surprised, this is Amerikkka after all.


[deleted] t1_iydrtmv wrote



keishathekat t1_iydsdql wrote

You don't have to agree. I've seen it a lot in my life and I also see stuff with immigration too.
