Submitted by Dare_County t3_z780b9 in pittsburgh
Dare_County OP t1_iy57q7i wrote
Showerbeerz413 t1_iy591gy wrote
the "anywhere but right" sign
CL-MotoTech t1_iy59xr5 wrote
Straight, middle-straight, and left.
chrisfyb t1_iy5a8bf wrote
I hate it all. Haha. The incline you stop on during the light. The straight heading down it. All of it.
ItsDaedAgain t1_iy5ac4v wrote
Is the big arrow fucking the other two?
SystemOfADowneyJr t1_iy5bkz0 wrote
Geez Louise, reminds me of my Kennywood days. That dreaded light, the hesitation, the honking and the screaming, ahhhhhhhh 🥴🥴
CubistTime t1_iy5es5y wrote
I knew what sign this was going to be before I clicked on the link. This sign is insane. It is also accurate.
hereforthebeers t1_iy5g6i3 wrote
Most frustrating is the people turning left into Arby's. They either go too far up and block the ability to go around, or people are dumb and don't go around when they are able to. So you sit on that hill for no fucking reason and miss the light.
Also, coming out of the Arby's/the cum and go and the people coming the other way always yeet the Pittsburgh left when you are both moving full speed at eachother. Almost crashed there so many times.
[deleted] t1_iy5hz1v wrote
thisisinput t1_iy5i5ox wrote
It's the 3 stages of an erection
holland_oakes t1_iy5i793 wrote
between the quality of the roads and the absolute hostility of the lane design/signage like this it's truly a small miracle that we all havent been horribly mangled in car crashes lol
epsilon025 t1_iy5iefv wrote
Ah, the least consistent intersection of my commute.
EuniceHiggins t1_iy5j7to wrote
Lol, just drove by this last week!
troubleyoucalldeew t1_iy5jx0h wrote
The flailhydra of doom. Right next to Arby's!
rustoof t1_iy5k60y wrote
It’s because Pittsburgh drivers are the best in the country hands down
Sk8104s810 t1_iy5knq7 wrote
Straight left, left, left left.
dilladog t1_iy5mlo1 wrote
Also 28 off ramp to 31st St Bridge.
ExitMusic_ t1_iy5ojhn wrote
I gotta go through my camera roll to find it because I don’t remember where it was. But my CarPlay had my my GPS on screen and I remember thinking “some guy at Google had to program that traffic pattern sign into Google Maps specifically for a Pittsburgh intersection. There is no where else in the US that would be dumb enough set an intersection up like this.”
PghCurlyGrrl t1_iy5pf9t wrote
My fav traffic sign in Pittsburgh
BucciaratiGang t1_iy5qsav wrote
Driving in this city blows. People drive like animals, at least 20 mph over the speed limit anywhere you go AND riding your ass if you don’t keep up with their speed. Don’t even get me started on the 2 way, narrow ass streets that got big ass buses going down them. -5/10 recommend.
beckerszzz t1_iy5rftf wrote
GPS: turn right.
WHICH RIGHT? The 25 degree angle right, the 45 degree angle right, the 90 degrees angle right or the sort of straight be kind of curves to the right??? With 5383738 cars around you rushing you.
Also, you chose the wrong right turn.
Shiny_Buns t1_iy5tnbd wrote
Don't forget you only have 2 feet to merge over 4 lanes of traffic after you decide which lane you need to be in but you end up going the wrong way anyway
FartBarfknuckle t1_iy5u6na wrote
Oddly enough, you can also turn right at this intersection.
FartBarfknuckle t1_iy5u9ot wrote
As somebody who has to make this exact turn multiple times a week, I have no idea what they were thinking here.
beckerszzz t1_iy5vhc9 wrote
jmachee t1_iy60v1u wrote
Ummm. These are all lefts. 😁
beckerszzz t1_iy60ykk wrote
Lol yes I know.
jmachee t1_iy61684 wrote
This is the one that sums it up for me:
StarryEyedGamer t1_iy61xnn wrote
Yes! I live here and I remember when I first encountered this sign after moving in I was very confused.
EvetsYenoham t1_iy63enk wrote
Hail Hydra!
Phobophilic t1_iy659hy wrote
I was born in Pittsburgh, lived here most of my life, but driving in Boston was worse.
just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iy67eug wrote
Yeah, I was gonna say I've seen worse. Boston was bad. Parts of northern virginia were also pretty ridiculous.
shaaaakyt t1_iy67pwx wrote
we have to be, otherwise we’d be dead
Realistic_Degree_773 t1_iy6dsa5 wrote
Q: Which way do you need to go? A: Yes!
bionica1 t1_iy6dy7u wrote
Love those signs. It’s almost an order. You must weave in this area. Wheeeee
Costanzaslife23 t1_iy6g0y4 wrote
I knew I’d seen that one before.
Argercy t1_iy6hdvg wrote
I haven't lived in Pittsburgh in 12 years and I knew exactly where that sign is located lol
Tillerblue t1_iy6hhhp wrote
I live right around the corner and have to drive through it everyday, I hate it so much. It’s one of the reasons I’m moving out of Swissvale lol
GothWitchOfBrooklyn t1_iy6hpji wrote
The first time I saw this sign I genuinely panicked
DroningBrightnessAV t1_iy6igqw wrote
hate arby's
doublemerde t1_iy6j1ef wrote
This is correct
dreadmonster t1_iy6m0qj wrote
[deleted] t1_iy6o094 wrote
Keystonepol t1_iy6s0f3 wrote
The fact that there is a traffic sign clearly delineating how to manage the intersection actually makes this pretty atypical....
realityChemist t1_iy6sgt3 wrote
Yeah I drove in and around Boston for like five years. Pittsburgh driving is downright relaxing in comparison, although their are some... interesting design choices here.
BirdHerder27 t1_iy6t97b wrote
Hydra Uphead
jaygibby22 t1_iy6u04m wrote
I took a trip up there a few years back and would love to know who thought that building a road underground with exits that have exits was a great idea. Also encountered a 2 lane roundabout where the lines were merely suggestions - people were driving as if there were 3+ lanes.
weinermcgee t1_iy6va2e wrote
There's a similar one in Bridgeville around Eat n Park on 50, right?
GottfriedEulerNewton t1_iy71cdl wrote
This person Pittsburghs
SystemOfADowneyJr t1_iy76z2h wrote
Is that one in Pittsburgh too? Please tell me exactly where so I can avoid it as much as possible… I don’t even know what that sign even means 😳😳
Shoddy_Background_48 t1_iy7bmoa wrote
I thought Boston was bad...
jmachee t1_iy7ry1j wrote
This particular one is the off-ramp from Bigelow towards PPG Arena downtown.
CSharp_Enum t1_iy7s5al wrote
The first intersection I learned to hate when i moved here and it still makes me nervous driving through it. Whenever I bring it up I refer to it as the octopus/trident intersection because that's what I feel like I'm wrestling every time we tango.
freedomischaos t1_iy7tmja wrote
Ha. I knew it. Mostly cause I like here but still laughed. I want one of those sigil shirts of all the intersections of Pittsburgh
Lysergian157 t1_iy7wcl5 wrote
The first time I ever saw that sign I was driving home from a party where I got unknowingly dosed by LSD. I left when it started hitting me before I realized what exactly was happening.
Imagine coming up to that intersection for the first time while tripping. If I didn't have my gps giving me directions i probably would have ended up hopelessly lost.
Alien_RN182 t1_iy81y2u wrote
Swissvale by the Arby’s? Haha
awesomelybearded t1_iy82mtc wrote
Swissvale lol
Col__Hunter_Gathers t1_iy884i1 wrote
Huh. Guess I've never noticed it cuz I'm always busy avoiding weaving idiots in that section of road.
Col__Hunter_Gathers t1_iy88gpy wrote
Lmao this gave me a legit good chuckle
Subject_Candy_8411 t1_iy8afc6 wrote
Recognized it right away!!! My son calls it Kennywood directions!!!
z-vap t1_iy8ccvt wrote
It looks like it could've been Brighton Hts blvd coming up from McKeesRocks Bridge, but I see they don't have any signs posted there LOL
Top_File_8547 t1_iy8fv5y wrote
I think the sign at the light on Murray at Forward and bunch of other streets is even more complex. That’s going up hill.
SmellyBaconland t1_iy8kond wrote
My first PGH experience almost had me believing you had to buy an Amtrak ticket to keep going east on Liberty.
ShatteredAvenger t1_iy8kpnk wrote
somehow I just knew it was going to be this sign in particular. it really does sum it up best.
Hand_Banana_0082 t1_iy949gq wrote
Why are you downvoting him, he's right?
_Booster_Gold_ t1_iy94h1u wrote
Knew it was going to be this one as soon as I saw the post title.
MarvelsGrantMan136 wrote
Yeah, pittsburgh traffic, you know...
TOBPrincess t1_iy57bf1 wrote
Swissvale by the Arby's?