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xgeannax t1_ixcqjcu wrote

I’ve read that the pigeons we see in cities are the descendants of abandoned pets. Don’t know how much truth there is to that statement but I wouldn’t doubt it since they are easily domesticated. But regardless I don’t think kicking any animal is right.


DannyLameJokes t1_ixculjc wrote

  1. Kicking Pigeons is a good band name
  2. I vaguely remember a story where a guy was on a roof of a building down town. This was after a mass shooting somewhere so people were already on edge. Turned out he was shooting pigeons to cook.
  3. There used to be a homeless guy down town that would sit next to people that were enjoying their lunch breaks. Then he would throw bread crumbs on the ground and once the pigeons gathered he would pop a paper bag causing them the fly away chaotically into the people. Then he would run away giggling.

kevin0carl t1_ixcvmzt wrote

I don’t really see pigeons that often. Are they mostly downtown? I spend most of my time in the north side and I see mostly squirrels and cats.


gldmj5 t1_ixcy7x8 wrote

Don't we have a deal with the pigeons?


JerkinJesus t1_ixd9z9v wrote

This is probably right. Raising and competitive flocking of pigeons was also once a pretty popular pastime.

There's a flock that hangs out on the roof of a house a couple of doors down from me. Dollars to donuts they are the descendants of a flock someone raised there.

I'm not a fan, they are ugly, spread disease, eat food meant for wild birds, and are just generally loathsome. But I wouldn't kick them, either.


brandn30 t1_ixddldm wrote

Try that with the north shore geese and you'll get your ass kicked


Eubadom t1_ixdkphy wrote

Sometimes I give a little kick in their direction just so they back off a bit, not to actually hit them.


labgrownfriend t1_ixe1g5g wrote

I definitely have “shooed away” animals with a wave of the arms or the leg in their direction, but would never actually physically kick one.


_rabbit-hole_ t1_ixegepn wrote

They're all over downtown lol

Most of them are gray but some are white and brown

They're so pretty

Also... Cats??? 😍

Hope they're fed and sheltered. Especially now that it's cold