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whyadamwhy t1_iy0bj08 wrote

It’s easy to blame McCaffrey, the developer, but his interest is in getting the business space filled up and generating revenue. I expect nothing more from a real estate mogul. If the city wanted local businesses in there then they should’ve included specific provisions for the types of businesses that they want. The URA failed us on this one.


Itsjustataco t1_iy0lbeo wrote

He should be blamed. Tax incentives and partnerships with ura are on the back of this project. A core reason for community support was that it was to be local business friendly.

If we put in a bunch of places available in a strip mall, it will just be another SoDo basic garbage place


whyadamwhy t1_iy0ljsc wrote

Then enforce it. He dgaf so you have to make him.


norealheroes t1_iy1ieho wrote

The URA’s entire mission seems to be to fail at everything


BigRig_theman t1_iy1hv08 wrote

Came here to ask this question. As an outsider, just looks like a bungled real estate deal by the URA. Probably would have been better to spin off a non profit cooperation for long term management. That’s how they run Eastern Market here in Detroit.