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Ok_Plane6153 t1_ix9j028 wrote

Don't rent from Oxford Development (The Yards, The Helm, Coda). The apartments are built to look nice but are otherwise over priced and poorly made. You can hear every footstep from the apartment above as well as their neighboring apartments, much worse than any other place I've lived. The plumbing has ventilation issues and the p-traps dry out, filling your apartment with sewer smells. They're also not that well managed with lots of other issues.


lanistarr OP t1_ix9jekn wrote

Yikes. Sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing and saving others from this 🙏🏼


Ok_Plane6153 t1_ix9k0la wrote

I also lived in Heinz Lofts (not to be confused with 950 Heinz next to it). It's an old converted building so its built well (concrete between floors) but pretty dirty, especially the parking garage that has steel beams every 5 feet that you have to drive through. The main reason not to live there is poor management. It became clear they didn't flip my apartment at all and that caused a lot of issues. Other billing issues. And still some noise issues. In short, higher rent does not equal better living.