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Confident_End_3848 t1_ixv098r wrote

I lived in the east end when Edgewood Town Center first opened. That was a pretty nice giant eagle then. It sounds like maybe not so much now from what I’ve read here.

ETA: the only greeters at the giant eagle by me work for Citizens Bank when they are hawking checking accounts.


Zapotecorum t1_ixvl44a wrote

Its a decent giant eagle. Ive been to far worse (like the one next to Kennywood)


Confident_End_3848 t1_ixvn4ha wrote

Oh yeah. I moved to the Northside after the east end, and the Giant Eagle there was on a different level of yuk.


Yomama-22 t1_ixvq5oq wrote

Glad you are bashing the Kennywood location. Keeps the snobs out.


kniki217 t1_iy4qpst wrote

Haha. Please. That will always be yinzereagle. I avoid that one like the plague. That's the one I grew up going to because there was no waterfront. It's so dirty and rundown and small. No thank you. I go to the Waterfront to pickup my grandma's groceries but if I'm going for myself I got to the century 3 giant eagle.