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labgrownfriend t1_ixniweo wrote

“Crackville” is a pretty solid indicator that you meant that you don’t want to live near Black populations due to historical stereotyping. You could have easily said “best inexpensive apartments that are in a safe area.”


bkvagnini t1_ixnjqxc wrote

I was trying to change the title and Reddit won't let me, so I put an edit in the very beginning of the post.

Again, not looking offend anyone and the way you phrased it is much better. I'm actually wanting to have a lot more diversity in culture (part of the reason I'm getting the hell out of Florida). Thanks for correcting me.


labgrownfriend t1_ixnk715 wrote

Are you coming from a rural area of Florida? I feel like statistics would show that Florida cities are more diverse than PGH, but I’m not looking up the stats on that right now. Of course, pearly gated communities won’t reflect that as much - but with your price range Im guessing you weren’t living in those communities

ETA: yeah, PA as a whole is 10% more “white” than FL. Not sure we are the bastion of diversity you think we are.