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AgentG91 t1_iyauyec wrote

Banksville road makes me see red. If you’re at the front of the line by eat n park and you absolutely floor it, you might get through before it turns yellow, but 9/10 times, you’ll be watching that light turn red before anyone gets to it


dice726 t1_iybeadj wrote

This probably doesn't count because the parking lot in and of itself isn't a great setup, but my vote for the most poorly timed light on Banksville Rd. is the left turn into the Kuhns parking lot if you're heading south of the city. It's like 30 seconds long and I've sat at that light for 3+ cycles before being able to take my turn, waiting probably close to at least 7-10 or so minutes which is absurd. That whole section from the Potomac intersection onward is the worst part of that road for me.