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Powerful-Tonight8648 t1_iyb1g3r wrote

My gripe is the intersections where the timing causes a predictable back up - light on highland at the entrance to east side turns red just as the one at center turns green. Cars all squeeze up. Commence blocked intersection. Repeat. Why can’t that be fixed?!?


junior_emo_mcgee t1_iye5v4q wrote

This happens so much at the west end bridge, on the north side end. Both sides of the west end bridge are just poorly designed.


PghCreep t1_iybdxkb wrote

There was never a light there until they wanted to attract a different clientele and change the landscape. Penn circle should have remained a one way. I don’t recall a big traffic problem till then.


LostEnroute t1_iyctrig wrote

I haven't finished reading but "keep Penn Circle one way" is probably the worst take on this thread. They can't finish the rest of that conversion fast enough for people who live around here