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w0jty t1_iydk630 wrote

Oh there are definitely ongoing, nuanced costs to both.

DOMI has done a decent job timing bike lane painting with resurfacing, so the paint crew is already there and the cost drops. On the flip side, complete street intersection upgrades (bike boxes, the retro reflective polymer tape that lasts longer than paint, etc) can balloon intersection upgrade costs closer to 500k, but definitely provide the improvements you called out.

My point to the “BiKe LaNeS CoSt MoNeY” comment was the highlight that it’s a balancing act, and simply saying bike lanes are why we don’t have good traffic lights is just wildly out of touch with how these things work. And that doesnt even factor in traffic analysis, neighborhood complaints, federal grant funding streams, politics, yadda yadda.

So a more nuanced response like yours is welcomed. Cheers!