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GargantuanWitch t1_iya1jsq wrote

Know what you could do that would kill two birds with one stone?

Ride the bus and ask people if they'd submit to an interview!


JustTryingMyBestWPA t1_iyabkp0 wrote

Hi there: I ride the bus approximately 1 hour each way, 3 days a week. You can ask me questions.


JustTryingMyBestWPA t1_iyabtmg wrote

The bus that I ride is often pretty noisy. Also, I think that people would be hesitant to give out private information on a bus, to a stranger, with a lot of other people listening. For instance, I wouldn't want to give out my name and information about my commute while I am actually on the bus. I would be afraid that someone would overhear, and thus endanger my safety when I get off of the bus and walk to my car, or follow me home.

tl; dr: I think that this is a terrible idea.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyaclsj wrote

To each their own, but I'd feel more comfortable speaking with a stranger in the company of many other people (on the actual bus) than I would in a one-on-one situation.

Regardless, no one should be asking for nor giving out their personal info, even for an "interview."


GargantuanWitch t1_iyad3mh wrote

If you do it aggressively, sure. But that's not at all what I said.

Asking a polite question is not "cornering someone on public transportation" and if one were to conduct an interview as an assignment, one should assume that they'd be able to handle a simple "no" rejection and not be an asshole about it.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyadaif wrote

"Hi, I'm a journalism student, can I ask you a few questions for an assignment? I don't need any personal info."

I highly doubt this sentence would result in violence on a bus. If you truly believe this, do the rest of us a favor and never leave your home.


saltyt00th t1_iyadd5r wrote

You can’t exactly leave a bus once a stranger approaches you. And how would you like it if someone stopped you on your way to your car to ask about your transportation habits?


DungeonMaster17 t1_iyae2w6 wrote

Sure I ride the bus to school. Ask me your questions.


GargantuanWitch t1_iyagz9f wrote

Uh, I'd say "Not interested" and go about my day like I, and countless others, have done since we were born? You know, the way you deflect a social interaction in which you don't want to participate.

Have you never told anyone "No" before? This is an honest question.


leadfoot9 t1_iyakik7 wrote

You can send me a chat request.


B0bb3r7 t1_iyaknut wrote

Try posting to r/bicycling412 and r/CarIndependentPGH, too.


NebbyJohnny t1_iyaohmm wrote

You can send me a DM if you like, I commute from the South Side to Bakery Square by bicycle and bus. Depends on the weather.


MaybeADumbass t1_iyap4f5 wrote

I'm a bike commuter and would be happy to answer questions.


Puzzleheaded-Equal70 t1_iyapno9 wrote

I'm a bus commuter with a 55 minute bus ride each way. Feel free to send me a message


MikeyP-89 t1_iyarmup wrote

I ride the bus 20+ min a few times a week. Happy to help


Careless-Cost4991 t1_iyavbal wrote

thank you so much! Sadly, we need to use different forms of connection for each source. I interviewed a bus driver on the bus and therefore that style of interview for the project is already checked off :( I tried waiting at the bus stop to interview people, but no one was interested, that's why I turned to digital connection for this source.


AgentG91 t1_iyaxn5g wrote

Jesus. You gotta get these off the internet. You can’t just post your private email to a public website. Bots scan pages like this and will demolish your inbox


ricksebak t1_iyb08yp wrote

Years ago I was gathering signatures for a petition drive and I personally got over 100 people to sign just from approaching people at bus stops. It was probably one of the most productive places to find people. Two suggestions:

  1. When you approach someone, make sure to state right off the bat that your work seeks to improve transit for riders (if indeed that’s true). People who depend on transit have an incentive to go along with the interview if your work will indirectly help the riders that you interview.
  2. Downtown has the highest concentration of bus stops and bus riders, so do it there. Don’t camp out at only one stop either, circulate.

Hugh__Janus t1_iyb7mrz wrote

I bike/bus to work, would love to answer some questions 👍


718GTM t1_iyb9a6t wrote

I rode the bus when i first moved here. Took about two hours to get from Dormont to Robinson. It sucked. I can answer questions.


Careless-Cost4991 t1_iybabry wrote

is there any way you could message me? Im new to reddit and cannot figure out how to have multiple chats, but this is exactly what I am looking for and it would be amazing to interview you.


Careless-Cost4991 t1_iybag0k wrote

Hi! is there anyway you could message me? im new to reddit for this project and still trying to figure all of this out. Id love the opportunity to get to talk to a commuter like you with multiple styles.


CesarEmmanuel t1_iybg6d0 wrote

Hello Haley! I'd be happy to answer some of your questions; feel free to message me! I am also a college student in Pittsburgh and take a 60+ minute bus ride (I can provide you with more details about exactly where I go)


mccaffeine t1_iybl4oa wrote

What other kinds of connections can you use? If you need an advocacy/expert source, you could try reaching out to someone with Pittsburghers for Public Transit or BikePGH. Good luck with your assignment!


queenoftheidiots t1_iybq8ld wrote

There is a study the US Census does called the American Community Survey. One of the questions is about commenting to work, how people do it, when they leave, how long commutes are and if driving if they do it alone or with others. I think they break it down by zip codes or municipalities. That could be helpful.


Careless-Cost4991 t1_iydc36z wrote

its mainly because the final is supposed to be about a topic that impacts Oakland, where the majority of students live. Public transport seemed applicable in the sense of biking and buses, and I already completed some sources on those electric scooters that cause a lot of chaos down here. Sadly though, no T near Forbes or fifth that impacts students life daily


Careless-Cost4991 t1_iyddrf1 wrote

I never thought of that! thank you so much, that would definitely be an interesting page about people who take two different types of transportation.This could be a huge break on this topic, im so appreciative!


CalamityCactus t1_iydefjw wrote

I bike and bus to work almost every day. Please feel free to send me your email.


GargantuanWitch t1_iydnrkv wrote

A significant portion of people who live in areas close to park and ride lots actually drive a short distance, then get on a bus, THEN do a bit of walking to their final destination. Or biking. Had plenty of people ride the bus in from Forest Hills, with a bike, and get off at Penn Station when I was riding the bus.