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Competitive_Age_5468 t1_j24mbmg wrote

We are in the same situation. Heat is set on 65-66 all day. We use a wood burner to supplement. Nov $78. Dec $168. I’m not shocked, I’ve lived here my whole life and it very difficult to heat an entire house for less than $200 per month during the coldest parts of winter. This is just my opinion, I live in a 1970’s colonial with some upgrades. Aka your friends parents house. I don’t do budget billing as it has never worked out In my favor lol. Best of luck to all yinz


___Dan___ t1_j25kskg wrote

Budget billing doesn’t work in your favor or against. It’s just to smooth out the payments. You’re not going to get ahead or fall behind because I’d budget billing.


Competitive_Age_5468 t1_j25ma0x wrote

I guess for me paying $100 per month as a set rate never gives me that chance to figure out if I’m keeping the heat too high. Before you know it I have like a $500 balance at the end of yr because I was always over using. So I just pay my actual bill each month no surprises.


GottaWanna t1_j25w0cc wrote

On Peoples’ website, you can toggle your usage graphs to show what the dollar amount would be if you weren’t on budget billing. I watch this stuff like a hawk and graph the fuck out of it myself 🤓