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SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_j1pv4ts wrote

I came dangerously close to being an “I hate Christmas” guy this year. I didn’t fall all the way, but it feels like it gets harder every year. I think next year I need to address some things. Family is always difficult and there isn’t much I can do to reasonably change that - I’m going to have to reframe how I celebrate the holiday.

And this was just a tough one, in general. Massive expensive furnace/HW tank replacement, sister’s on-going divorce with kids stuck in the middle, parent toxicity getting ever worse, fiancée’s parents in ill health, uncle’s heart attack, family friend snuffed herself accidentally by going to sleep with the car running in her garage…just one thing after the next lol


MaynardWaltrip OP t1_j1pypzq wrote

Holy smokes, mate. I don’t blame you one bit.


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_j1q38nk wrote

It was a rocky one. Plus the temp drop. The furnace replacement was a buzzer beater late Thursday afternoon lol