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WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j1dijgj wrote

As of last night, all this (gestures outside) is supposed to be wrapped up by 7. Keep an eye on the news or social media or whatever, but I'd bet on them staying open.


Snoo-35041 t1_j1dk3cu wrote

None. They would have to refund everyone’s money. They will do a show for 2 people.


esotweetic t1_j1dxdos wrote

Live a block away and the roads are absolutely fine. Businesses are open and people are walking around.

Lots of fearmongering happening in this sub right now. Drive slow and don’t take a corner at 50mph.

It will be on.


hypotenoos t1_j1e8btd wrote

They announced it is still on but you can get tix to a different show in the season if you can’t make it


pghhotfire t1_j1eipzc wrote

Some good opinions but the best bet will be to just call the theater.


Elphaba15212 t1_j1esqz7 wrote

I have a friend whose daughter is in the show. She says they do not cancel.


LeisureSuitLaurie t1_j1f2tpi wrote

Sugar plum fairy n’at ‘ll be dancin’ dahn there at Benedum don’t yinz worry.


Yomama-22 t1_j1gbkws wrote

Just freaking call the place. Jeeze