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SlopKat t1_j1gadoc wrote

Unless you lose power you’ll be fine . Our house was built in 1918 and was built to last but not to be very warm . The furnace will keep the pipes from freezing and us and the cats are all snuggled under blankets chilling . Gas bill will be ridiculous this month for sure


throwawayaccountweak OP t1_j1gas9w wrote

It’s 36-37° in my first floor right now. I’m freaking out


WRWhizard t1_j1gfj12 wrote

There must be air infiltration down there. Any outside doors ought to be blanketed or something.

It's a boiler. I'm wondering if all the rads are hot. If you have radiators that aren't hot how about trying to bleed air out of them?


RumbleInTheJungle4 t1_j1gbw26 wrote

Why is it so low?


throwawayaccountweak OP t1_j1gbzgo wrote

House is poorly insulated. Currently on hold with 24 hour HVAC to get a peace of mind


RumbleInTheJungle4 t1_j1gcrdj wrote

My house is as well. One room gets really really cold but a whole floor being 30degree difference is wild. Did you just move in?


throwawayaccountweak OP t1_j1gcvhe wrote

Nah been here about 4 years just never got around to insulation. Landlord was going to sell to me but I’m probably going to pass now. You don’t think my house will freeze overnight do you?


RumbleInTheJungle4 t1_j1ggsxo wrote

I mean I have ice on the inside of my windows due to the vast temp/humidity disparity. Freezing seems a likely occurrence but your taking the right steps calling hvac but it seems to be more then hvac.