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sr214 t1_j5ksnqk wrote

Who dresses her?


arguchik t1_j5ku82x wrote

Her look today reminds me of Marlena from Days of Our Lives in like...1988.


Ok-Twist921 t1_j5l329u wrote

Lmao she looks like she’s about to get possessed like in the 90s too


sr214 t1_j5kxp7c wrote

More like Little House On The Prairie.


arguchik t1_j5l1ns7 wrote

Nah, that fabric is too shiny for the Ingalls girls. 80's all the way.


sr214 t1_j5l4f33 wrote

Her clothes are so frumpy.


colawars t1_j5kwt55 wrote

The choir director. She even looks like she's singing.


Inner-Figure5047 t1_j5lx6gf wrote

That was the confusing part for me as well. Looks like she left her much older spouse's high school reunion where she was the HOTTEST smoke show in the room ... To real quick just enthusiastically inform the public about some snow that happened.