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imadv8r2 t1_j5pihil wrote

“Those” is a demonstrative pronoun. The fact that so-called pc attitudes and cancel culture have made its use of merely specifically pointing something out is ridiculous.

In this case, it isn’t people at large, it’s those people who leave Alderdice and hangout at Starbucks while waiting for the bus who are creating the problem.

You know, those people who shoplift at all the stores in that area and beat up an elderly female shop owner who tried to protect her business.

Those people who assaulted a uniformed city police officer in Starbucks and sent him to the hospital.

Those people who are underage and openly smoke marijuana on Murray Avenue (and in buildings on Murray they break into).

Those people whose daily, riotous behavior scares the elderly residents off the streets, and makes egress into the pediatric orthodontist and the physically therapy facilities within the Starbucks building dangerous.

Those people who leave their garbage strewn about the sidewalks, overturn trash cans and shatter plate glass windows.

Those people who gang raped a 15 year old special needs girl in the bathroom inside Starbucks and at an adjacent vacant Murray Avenue property they broke in to.

Those people who ditched loaded handguns in the surrounding Squirrel Hill neighborhood outside of Alderdice.

Stop getting caught up in this fashionable inclusion rhetoric when “Senei George” is merely pointing out those people responsible for the myriad problems on the block.

In fact, your terminology could be equally construed as a similarly racist comment, except for George is an actual sensei, much like those people are actually directly responsible for the issues (and more) enumerated above.

But hey, why don’t you come down to Murray and Forward around 2-2:30 and see for yourself?


motociclista t1_j5pr8wk wrote

I’m not sure I understand your outrage. I didn’t take issue with the word “those”. Context matters. I merely pointed out that his statement may be taken in a way he didn’t desire. And even pointed out that may not have been intentional. I’m not offended or calling for anyone to be “canceled”. Just made an observation. And I don’t think I said anything negative or racist about Sensei George. In fact, I don’t know George’s race, so it would be pretty hard for me to have racism in my heart for him. I get it. You hate modern pc cancel culture and had a rant chambered, but I’m not sure my comment was worthy of your diatribe.


imadv8r2 t1_j5pszuh wrote

If you didn’t mean it that way, why would you quote him and then say it was “tone deaf?” His…annunciation??

What else could you possibly be insinuating?

I don’t hold it against you—I was just making the observation that it was, indeed, those people, and calling someone out for a grammatical choice rather than coming out against the behaviors he described is simply ridiculous.


motociclista t1_j5puuae wrote

I meant what I said. I didn’t insinuate anything. I stated, that he may regret that word choice. It comes off in a bad tone. Again, context matters.


BRDeschain t1_j5qkqra wrote

Well what is he insinuating then? I’d love to hear it since it isn’t anywhere in their comment.


GargantuanWitch t1_j5pj3cq wrote

lol it only took until Tuesday to get a Tough Guy Invite this week!


j428h t1_j5plodm wrote

Honestly those people typically take longer to send out invites


imadv8r2 t1_j5pufho wrote

To be fair, those people wouldn’t know what an invite was, let alone send one out—mainly because they’re skipping school en masse and smoking their way through life and destroying Squirrel Hill South.

But this person does, and welcomes you to come on down from behind your keyboard and experience firsthand what those people are doing.


GargantuanWitch t1_j5pzm30 wrote

Do I need to wear body armor like everyone is suggesting? I'll grab some around the corner after I'm done at the juice bar and shoe store.


motociclista t1_j5ps185 wrote

He was probably at karate practice yesterday, didn’t have time to send out invites until today.


madirish098 t1_j5rdywh wrote

probably been getting their self confidence up at sensei George’s dojo!


Caiterz4catzz t1_j5pt9zf wrote

What business did the shop owner assault happen? (Not doubting, I just hadn’t heard of that one)


PittsburghChris t1_j5s1kfh wrote

Also, the use of the word ghetto isn't privileged to any singular class of people. The business owner is clearly trying to explain that when lawless behaviors occur daily, it is like, well, a ghetto. Where society is broken.

The only racial connotation I picked up on was from commentary in this thread being critical of the use of the word, like it is protected. It is not. Ghettos happen. If you don't like it, don't attack the person who mentions that he suffers from it. Changed the policies that created it.


aboutsider t1_j5tem4u wrote

A group of teenagers acting anti-socially in the space of a few blocks is not at all comparable to a racially segregated neighborhood built on systemic injustice. If you think that ghetto doesn't have racist connotations then I have a hard time believing that you understand what the word means.