Submitted by soparklion t3_10k7c0s in pittsburgh
happy_lil_toebeans t1_j5r4u7b wrote
It is sad to say, but as a teacher, these behaviors have become the norm in many schools and the one I taught at. I had to leave brick and mortar because of this. I would see mobs of kids beating the crap out of each other inside and even a few blocks away outside of school...especially at the bus stop.
At this point, I don't know what a good solution may be. I feel for all my fellow teachers still working in brick and mortar in our city, and all I can do is hope by some miracle, these students can learn some common sense.
hoetheory t1_j5sjjhm wrote
It’s going to continue to get worse. Parents who are working 2 to 3 jobs just to make ends meet don’t have the mental capacity to parent their children. Instead, we get iPad kids, and children who are emotionally immature. This leads to children feeling neglected, and intern leads to negative behaviors and inappropriate handling of emotions. It literally all leads back to capitalism.
Then, throw in a teacher who is also overworked and underpaid, with zero support staff. Add in 30 to 60 students in a singular classroom. Teachers can’t be responsible for helping students work through and process emotions and teach an entire class a lesson.
Our country is in a state of chronic fatigue, and it’s just going to continue getting worse.
blondiebell t1_j5u8l5e wrote
Very well said. Its awful how unwilling so many people in charge are to admitting the root problem is capitalism. It's not the children's fault at all, they are literally children. Capitalism means their parents dont have time to care if they want to also keep a roof over their heads, their teachers dont have the time or energy to handle problems for individual students even if they care. Our shitty healthcare system means that parents and their kids alike cant get accessible treatment for physical, emotional, or mental issues. Our justice system means many students dont have both parents, or are targeted before they are even adults.
So many problems in our society come from unchecked greedy and capitalism and tragically children seem to be bearing the brunt of it.
bubble_blower678 t1_j5yixq2 wrote
i worked at a before and after school care center in pittsburgh and feel similar to how teachers cant give individual attention to each student and their issues. another problem is, with teachers and before and after care, is the turn around rate. the lack of staff support, overworking the staff, and being understaffed brings fast turnaround rates in these jobs which makes it difficult for these kids to find trust in any adults. this brings distance from children in the classroom, thus bringing violence with them to school and elsewhere bc they cant figure out their emotions. which is no blame on them at all. its the system and capitalism
[deleted] t1_j5ts7xk wrote
[deleted] t1_j5tu1lv wrote
KentuckYSnow t1_j5rqxec wrote
Free public education shouldn't be an entitlement, it should be a privilege that can be lost. The kids and their families know they can't be kicked out permanently.
If we still had neighborhood schools, and least their families would see the shit that they're doing. Kids don't respect someone else's neighborhood because they get to leave at night.
GargantuanWitch t1_j5vxcu9 wrote
So the solution for kids who aren't being educated is to... refuse to educate them?
And we do have neighborhood schools. That's what Allderdice is. It's a public school. If you live in the neighborhood, you go to that school. Same thing with Mount Lebanon. Students who go to Allderdice are a part of the community already.
Phone_Representative t1_j60qkne wrote
What do you propose we do with the kids who are kicked out permanently?
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