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[deleted] t1_j4714fr wrote



Icy_Photograph412 t1_j47flh1 wrote

It's not just the parishioners they are moving right of, the Vatican now looks liberal in comparison.

The church has fallen a long way from its being on the right side of history during the civil rights area.

Also, protecting all those pedo priests for decades certainly drove away a lot of people.


DreadSocialistOrwell t1_j47u6fb wrote

The Catholic Church has really never been on the right side of history. It's been full of greed and is always self-serving, even if the Papacy presented otherwise.

The Civil Rights era was an anomaly.


atree496 t1_j49e2wh wrote

The same church that helped Nazi escape criminal charges?


___Dan___ t1_j4837pb wrote

One of those Pedos is still a big shot in town - David Zubik. Makes me want to vomit. He is reprehensible scum.


j428h t1_j474ri1 wrote

Seems like as they continue to lose members, they’ll only double down and get worse.


Ok-Recording2620 t1_j47vgu6 wrote

All Catholic Churches in Pittsburgh were consolidated to create bigger parishes containing multiple churches beginning a few years ago


TwinkiePower420 t1_j47vv30 wrote

Yeah the American clergy is particularly conservative, both compared to their parishioners as well as compared to clergy members in a lot of other countries


thealtofshame t1_j48qx5z wrote

Guarantee that the church in Morningside will be the next in the city to close. They’re already combined with Sacred Heart.


alexp8771 t1_j48bhp9 wrote

Those seem like contradictory statements. Other christian demonations are waaaaaaay more conservative than Catholics in everything except abortion really.


thealtofshame t1_j48q9z7 wrote

Episcopalians and Lutherans exists. Very similar services and creeds, but a lot more liberal.


KentuckYSnow t1_j47lgtf wrote

Hopefully some shit comedian doesn't purchase it and paint a mural on it.


i_NaTaN t1_j47lv6i wrote

You sound triggered. You good?


GargantuanWitch t1_j47wnt7 wrote

No, they're mad that someone who bought property is exercising their right to use it in the way they want.