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t1_j5ovety wrote

What suburb? And what’s the house like?

Costs are going to vary depending on location, the age of the house, square footage, age of HVAC, etc, but I think your costs are going to be pretty close to what you’re paying now.

You might save a few bucks on trash depending on where you land, but in general utilities aren’t at a discount here and they’re only going up.


OP t1_j5ovooq wrote

Ok ty! I’m thinking Mt. Lebanon. House 1500sq ft. Fairly average.


t1_j5ozjmq wrote

Keep in mind the condition of the house. Older houses, drafty and maybe poor insulation. That will jack up your bills also. I'm dealing with that now. My house is 130 years old and drafttttyyy AF


OP t1_j5p1bxb wrote

Great point. I have looked online at older homes that are updated and the first thing I think of is growing up in an old house in Ohio and having the wood floors feel like ice and seeing your breath in the morning because the heater was so inefficient.


t1_j5ox0i7 wrote

Cool, hopefully someone who lives around there can chime in with more specifics.

I think trash and recycling are included with your local taxes there (same as in the City), so that’s a small relief.