X_PRSN t1_j4oslno wrote
Where is this "Pittsburg" of which you speak?
fbp OP t1_j4ospqk wrote
My maps app tells me it's 30 minutes from the airport and 30 minutes from Monroeville.
fbp OP t1_j4osrbn wrote
That's in McKees rocks right?
Jagoff420 t1_j4ot8m8 wrote
What a jagoff
[deleted] t1_j4pc6g4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j4prqbr wrote
TransporterOffline t1_j4q0hel wrote
Fairywood obv
mmphoto412 t1_j4q9e6w wrote
A few days ago, someone legitimately asked, "Which Pittsburgh neighborhoods dont get snow"
YetiBeachRainbow t1_j4qdcwe wrote
The ones with an “H”
reerathered1 t1_j4qruxx wrote
Seriously, whatever neighborhood has the smallest buildings, widest streets and/or fewest trees. Near the busway is good. Every bit of sun makes a difference. Swissvale comes to mind.
reerathered1 t1_j4qs6wb wrote
My map tells me it's in Kansas
Ryan1006 t1_j4qtrsr wrote
And minutes from the mall
myironcity t1_j4qweje wrote
Pittsburg is in TX, KS, and CA. Pittsburgh is in PA. We are very adamant about the h even though it’s silent and it’s not pronounced picksburg. 😂
Responsible-Type-392 t1_j4r6ukv wrote
The one in California. Tons of sunshine
[deleted] t1_j4reupr wrote
StupidOldAndFat t1_j4rlc2s wrote
You have to make sure your garden is not in the flight path of the flying storage unit.
username-1787 t1_j4s1bfv wrote
And OP is probably trolling in response to that post
d00110111010 t1_j4s1rfl wrote
Comes into the Pittsburgh sub and forgets the H. Smh.
mmphoto412 t1_j4s1sc7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j4s50zd wrote
Ugh, my family lives in Wichita, and when I'm visiting and someone asks me where I'm from, I have to specify PA.
[deleted] t1_j4s54lo wrote
This made me laugh.
fbp OP t1_j4s6zv7 wrote
Did I forget it? Or did I do it on purpos?
The001Keymaster t1_j4swlsq wrote
All the neighborhoods on the left side get the most sun.
Yomama-22 t1_j4t7gyf wrote
Squigglylineinmyeyes t1_j59c8jp wrote
The same one that doesn’t get snow.
tesla3by3 t1_j4osc5c wrote
Sunnyside. Or any other place that is not Shadyside.