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CARLEtheCamry t1_j4qrm2j wrote

Is your car new to the salt belt here?

Anecdotally, last year I bought a 2010 Honda from my brother in Virginia, had never seen salt. Just one winter and there is visible rust on the undercarriage. I'm not super vigilant about washing it, but did get it full undercarriage washed after the salt was off the roads last year and it's still rusting faster than I expected. I kind of feel bad that I didn't undercoat it, but it was an inexpensive first car for my new teenage driver so I didn't want to put too much into it.


g_h_o_s_t_ OP t1_j4qtt6n wrote

damn that's fast. it spent most of its life in CA and then maybe a year or two in the midwest before coming to pgh a few years ago.