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toripearson_19 t1_j5ksfi3 wrote

If Pittsburgh were really covered in snow like you wish, you wouldn't have wanted to drive into the city because the city sucks at plowing. And if you did drive into the city, probably would've gotten into a wreck because 1) people here are awful drivers and 2) out of towers don't know how to drive here. Lol.


Routine-Interview991 OP t1_j5l1k8m wrote

Dude I’m from here. Just saying everything about it sucks. Driving here is nothing. It’s just ugly and smelly here


toripearson_19 t1_j5l2oq8 wrote

Sorry, I figured someone from here would know the answer to your question lol. Anyone from Pittsburgh would know what the weather and pollution are like here 😂