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jimthissguy t1_j5k9upt wrote

Look on the bright side. You aren't in fucking Ohio.


James19991 t1_j5kb6nx wrote

But there's been snow cover in my backyard this morning?

You really need to move to somewhere like Minnesota or Northern New England if you expect winter to have snow cover last most of the season.


ComprehensiveCat7515 t1_j5kbjty wrote

Welcome to western Pa wherein winter everything is a shade of brown. But atleast it's not gd Ohio.


yinzerthrowaway412 t1_j5kbkzm wrote

I mean it’s been a mild winter so far even by our standards but we literally have snow coverage for the entire region right now lmao


Eco-freako t1_j5kc2w1 wrote

You have arrived in Pittsburgh during winter. It is the cloudiest city in the United States. This is what our city looks like during the grayest, cloudiest season.

If you don’t like it, I hope your stay is short and you leave soon. If you don’t mind it, then please come back sometime.


James19991 t1_j5kcc0s wrote

The NYC to DC corridor is still waiting for its first snow accumulation of the season. Chicago just had its first snowfall of more than an inch yesterday. Pittsburgh is hardly the only place that hasn't had much of a winter this year. It looks like we could get a few inches of snow on Wednesday morning though from a front end thump before it changes to rain.


GargantuanWitch t1_j5kccke wrote

"The weather here" is the same weather you had in Ohio a few hours ago, corncob.


buksrevenge t1_j5kcgu2 wrote

Glad to see Pittsburgh is working its magic on you.

Hopefully it can help you find a final exit.



yinzerthrowaway412 t1_j5kdk2w wrote

I just don’t know what the hell OP is talking about when they say there wasn’t snow on the ground today? I guess I was just imagining the heavy snow showers when I was driving into work this morning lol

And yeah you’re right, it’s been mild for many cities in this part of the country.


MicMcDev t1_j5keik0 wrote

You can always go back to Ohio!


greentea1985 t1_j5kfa3e wrote

Winter here does just suck, with lots of grey skies and snow/ice/cold rain. The weather does try to make up for it during the brief tease of spring, summer, and early fall, but anyone who tells you the winters here are great is a bald-faced liar. This is an exceptionally mild winter. It sucks that it was too cold to enjoy the first sticking snow of the season. This one is ok, but I wish there was more. We usually get at least one sticking snowstorm a month through April and sometimes at least one snow event in May. Usually there would be a lot more snow by now but it has been unusually mild since that deep freeze around Christmas.


James19991 t1_j5kgfaa wrote

Maybe they're near Downtown or in the river valleys where there are times that there can be noticeably less snow than in the suburbs? Doesn't happen that often, but there have been a few times I've seen it as more of like a rain snow mix in Lawrenceville but towards Ross Township and McCandless, there are two inches of snow. Even then, they would have had to have driven through the parts of the area that have snow to get there.

A segment of the sub loves to act like we barely get snow around here because it doesn't snow here like it doesn't Erie or Buffalo. Pittsburgh gets more snow on average than NYC, Philly, Columbus, and Indianapolis. The average snowfall we get in a season is fairly comparable to Chicago, Boston, and Detroit.


hypotenoos t1_j5kgle2 wrote

I hear there is a neighborhood that gets no snow…might be the whole city.


X_PRSN t1_j5kgmuj wrote

Well, if I'm looking for a ray of sunshine, it sure as fuck isn't going to be in your direction.


acutomanzia t1_j5khcsp wrote

Just moved here from Colorado and my partner said that it reminds them of Scotland, but with snow. I love PA!


djpdx_21 t1_j5kigyr wrote

Yeah, weather here is shitty most the time. It’s grey 80% of the year. Even when it’s sunny in the summer it’s so hazy it looks cloudy.


PhantomJB93 t1_j5kiwe8 wrote

Ah yes, nothing compares to the beautiful weather of…Ohio. Maybe someday we’ll have weather that can compare!


jmainolfi t1_j5kkowi wrote

It seems like the snow waits a little long to come around these days. Wait until February or even March. We can get hammered in those months. Get us a good lake effect pounding.


James19991 t1_j5kmirj wrote

If I have the choice between upper 20s and snow or 35 and rain, I will 100% take the snow. It looks so much less miserable and depressing out my window today with a little bit of snow.


cigarmanpa t1_j5kn9ka wrote

I live in a neighborhood that doesn’t get snow.


Tako-Jerome t1_j5kncob wrote

according to Dr. Emily Schoening of the YouTube channel American resiliency, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illinois all have pretty good climate change out looks by 2050, but Ohio doesn't and I find that objectively hilarious.


PeaceUpPGHdown t1_j5kr1g5 wrote

Just an A-1 top notch post. Holy fuck thank you for pointing this out.


Old_Science4946 t1_j5krymm wrote

it snowed last night??? are you downtown though because there’s not much but i figure that’s because of building heat.


toripearson_19 t1_j5ksfi3 wrote

If Pittsburgh were really covered in snow like you wish, you wouldn't have wanted to drive into the city because the city sucks at plowing. And if you did drive into the city, probably would've gotten into a wreck because 1) people here are awful drivers and 2) out of towers don't know how to drive here. Lol.


Pghlaxdad t1_j5kt18c wrote

"It’s the ugliest and most depressing place in America."

No, it's an absolutely beautiful city with shitty, shitty weather.


Upbeat_Estimate1501 t1_j5kwd4b wrote

Yep it does. I've lived in both Northern and Southern Ohio. Southern the weather was more similar to here in Pgh in terms of snowfall. Northern, winters were very snowy, and I would not recommend visiting Cleveland in the winter unless you know what you're getting into.


the_victorian640 t1_j5kyaau wrote

Imagine being from Ohio and complaining about anywhere else


arguchik t1_j5l1e66 wrote

Cool! I grew up in Grand Rapids, MI - lake effect snow from Lake Michigan usually ran out of gas by the time it got to us, but sometimes we'd get slammed with it. Not like the UP, though. Up on the Keweenaw Peninsula they have snow sticks as tall as telephone poles.

The reason I asked is because weather patterns usually go from southwest to northeast in the US. But I guess Lake Erie does sit at an angle, so it makes sense that Cleveland would get it.


James19991 t1_j5l8d1b wrote

Columbus averages 28 inches of snow a year, Toledo averages 37 inches of snow per year, and Cincinnati averages only 23 inches of snow a year.

Pittsburgh meanwhile averages 44 inches of snow per year.

Sure Cleveland and points north and east of there in Ohio can do well with the lake effect, but it's absolutely not true that the other major cities of Ohio are snowier than Pittsburgh.


Upbeat_Estimate1501 t1_j5l9qup wrote

Cbus is in Southern Ohio as is Cincy (note my original comment discussion the distinction between cities closer to Lake Erie versus southern).

Granted I've only been here in Pgh for about 8 years but in that time I've never seen snow compared to what I was used to growing up in Ohio. Maybe it's just climate change, if you've lived here for a long time maybe you can attest to that? But there's definitely a difference to the dig-your-car-out snows I was used to and moving here seeing very little and only a few storms, if that each winter.


rageharles t1_j5lbeuj wrote

on the bright side, you could always tape a piece of printer paper to a window for a similar effect


James19991 t1_j5lbi2k wrote

The area of Ohio that gets the lake effect is really a small portion of Ohio's land area as a whole to be fair. You generally can't get much lake effect in Ohio until you're in and around Cleveland to Youngstown, and points north and east of that. Even in Cleveland, the western parts of the metro area have much more manageable snowfall totals that are not that much worse than what you get around here, while it's the places just east of the city of Cleveland that get dumped on.

Pittsburgh has never been a spot for large 12+ inch snowfalls, but it gets plenty of 2 to 6-in snow falls throughout the year during a normal winter. Just two winters ago we had like four 6+ inch snowfalls throughout the season though, and that was fun


loubones17 t1_j5lcf3c wrote

I don’t know where in Pittsburgh you are, but here in the northern suburbs, it looks like a winter wonderland!


mcvoid1 t1_j5lfmvq wrote

Where I'm at it was all pretty here with all the snow, too. You know, while you were driving through Ohio.


LaterWendy t1_j5lkrs7 wrote

Was just thinking this morning how much I hate winter but how pretty the snow on the trees look. I’m a little north of downtown so maybe it’s not as slushy/grey up here?


James19991 t1_j5lkyi7 wrote

I know people complain about it (and it's probably unnecessary for the first two to three years after purchasing a brand new car to require inspection in most cases), but you definitely notice a difference with the quality of cars on the road in states like Ohio and Michigan where there are no inspections compared to PA.


kimbecile t1_j5lmzo7 wrote

Have you tried posting on facebook or nextdoor?


kyach25 t1_j5lnwpw wrote

This is spot on. I feel like there were many times while I lived on the East Side that we would just get hammered with snow and the West Side towards Hopkins had a lot less. I just think especially with lake effect, it tends to roll in through the East Side more. As someone who loves snow, it was awesome being on the East Side.


Tencentstamp t1_j5lnyxu wrote

Surprised you didn’t mention the lack of sun


thechillesthomie t1_j5lsu5h wrote

Why did you come to town if you’ve got such a raw hatred for the area lol


James19991 t1_j5lu4q2 wrote

Bingo. Yeah, if you're on west side of Cleveland, you can't get much if any lake effect from a west wind, and I think the elevation plays a role in those areas to the east too.

I love snow as well, so I wish I could spend a winter in Erie or Ashtabula once.


domjoneli t1_j5lvyx2 wrote

Maybe…. It’s your attitude that’s a pit of shit? Like why are you so mad that whatever snow that was there melted? If a snowy landscape is what you are searching for… try Buffalo? The whole of Canada?

Pittsburgh is quite beautiful if you and you’re attitude start looking up!