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t1_j5m7dgi wrote

An accepted government function, going back thousands of years, is public health.
Distilling public health down to a personal consumer decision is completely apeshit.


t1_j5m97e7 wrote

Cool, and if it doesn’t work, just keep doing it?


t1_j5mi8c5 wrote

There have been zero Covid restrictions in Pennsylvania for about twenty months now. What are you even on about?


t1_j5misbb wrote

I’m talking about when there were restrictions, obviously


t1_j5mja4l wrote

There were no hard lockdowns anywhere in the United States at any point. Even at the depth of what few restrictions there were, you were free to go hang out at Home Depot all day and lots of people did.
There have been zero restrictions on bars and restaurants in PA since early 2021. Florida reopened their beaches in April of 2020.

You people have made up an alternate reality where the government closed everything down and locked you inside for three years. It never happened.


t1_j5mopok wrote

Hey, if you want to minimize an unprecedented overreach of the government in the face of mild adversity, be my guest


t1_j5mov4a wrote

...What unprecedented overreach? The US government has used state power to control disease outbreaks many, many times in the history of this country. Many times within your lifetime, as a matter of fact.

You people have made up an alternate reality in your head that you live in full time.


t1_j5mqjpm wrote

They also interred Japanese Americans during WWII. Just because the government did it before doesn't make it right, then, nor does it make it right, now.

Kinda says a lot about "state power" when millions of us just ignored them.


t1_j5mr707 wrote

Yes, the government interring Japanese Americans during WW2 is exactly the same thing as you not being allowed to eat in the Applebee's dining room for three months. 🙄

Listen to how absurd you are.
Public health is a basic function of government going back millennia. If you sincerely believe that the government has no place guarding the public health, you're the crackpot here.


t1_j5msk7x wrote

I'm perfectly content being the crackpot.

Shutting down businesses, fining business owners who stayed open, requiring an emergency vaccination that did not go through the standard channels for approval, limiting travel based on vaccination status, requiring PPE that was proven to not work, printing trillions of dollars to smooth over the damage done by the previously listed policies... yep, totally the same as not eating at Applebees.


t1_j5mtrhd wrote

> Shutting down businesses, fining business owners who stayed open,


Repeat after me: "No business carries a guarantee of a return regardless of market conditions."
If a business causes a threat to public health, it's well within the rights of state government to shut them down for the duration of an emergency.

> requiring an emergency vaccination that did not go through the standard channels for approval,

Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been approved through regular channels at this point. You're just crying over something the government has had the power to do for over a century now, mandate vaccination.


> limiting travel based on vaccination status,

If you've ever flown out of the country you'd know this happens all the time, pandemic or no.

> requiring PPE that was proven to not work,

This is the sort of crackpot shit I'm talking about.

> printing trillions of dollars to smooth over the damage done by the previously listed policies..

"It wasn't the pandemic that caused the problem, it was the response!" is more crackpot shit that rests on the assumption that had we just ignored the pandemic and done nothing at all, things would have turned out better. Magical thinking with no basis in reality.
> yep, totally the same as not eating at Applebees

The great majority of Pennsylvanians saw no more onerous government restrictions than restaurants being closed for a few months and kids learning from home. Comparing your "plight" to interment is some incredible self-satire.

You people live in an oppositional defiance fantasy world where you're always the victims.


t1_j5mv3r5 wrote

Repeat after me: The government arbitrarily classifying your business as essential or non-essential is the DEFINITION of a non-market condition.

And guess what? The government, at least in PA, only targeted or enforced their mandates on businesses granted special licenses to operate by the state. Bars, restaurants, salons - if you didn't need a license to operate from the health department, you could say "fuck off" to Tom Wolf. The hardware store in the town near me never closed, never required masks, and never limited occupancy. The hair salon next door? Closed for months under threat of losing their license.

>Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been approved through regular channels at this point.

At this point? how about in 2021 when the government was trying to mandate them? And if your answer is yes, then why aren't ALL vaccines approved and rolled out in under a year?

>This is the sort of crackpot shit I'm talking about.

Are you giving information contradictory to the PA department of health or the CDC? Are you saying a bandana, gator, or steelers-print cloth mask prevent you from catching or transmitting covid?

>had we just ignored the pandemic and done nothing at all, things would have turned out better.

Uh, yeah... they would have turned out better because the things the government did didn't work. So doing nothing would have had the same results without the drawbacks of the government interference.

>The great majority of Pennsylvanians saw no more onerous government restrictions than restaurants being closed for a few months and kids learning from home. Comparing your "plight" to interment is some incredible self-satire.

If it was so hands-off and reasonable, why have they stopped? Why are there no mask mandates? Why did they change "fully vaccinated" from the first two shots, to the first two shots plus up to date on boosters, back to just the first two shots? Why, with only about a 20% uptake of the bi-valent booster aren't there vaccine and booster mandates, today? According to google, 569 people have died in the US from covid in the past 7 days. At this rate, it'll be another 9/11 before Easter!


t1_j5mvztl wrote

> Repeat after me: The government arbitrarily classifying your business as essential or non-essential is the DEFINITION of a non-market condition

Shit happens and businesses fail all the time. Sorry you were open during a pandemic, but the government doesn't owe you jack shit and they certainly don't need to let you stay open when you're a threat to public health.
Life ain't fair. Deal.


> Are you giving information contradictory to the PA department of health or the CDC? Are you saying a bandana, gator, or steelers-print cloth mask prevent you from catching or transmitting covid?

Recommending gaiters, cloth masks, etc was a stopgap measure meant to prevent runs on N95 and surgical masks and the CDC was quite open about that.

> If it was so hands-off and reasonable, why have they stopped? Why are there no mask mandates?

Because people like you wouldn't stop throwing massive fucking tantrums. So the government gave in. You guys won. There are zero covid restrictions anywhere in the United States and 250K+ people are going to die from Covid-19 every year for the foreseeable future. The very concept of public health in America is dead going forward, and we're going to continue to see precipitous declines in life expectancy of the sort you usually only see in failing societies.

Despite winning, you're still all pissed off about imaginary lockdowns that never happened. Just take your victory lap and move on.


t1_j5mxv4s wrote

Finally, someone gave me the W. We’re going to run with that for as long as possible


t1_j5mklu2 wrote

That's not quite accurate, at all.


t1_j5mkxkx wrote

That's extremely accurate. Can you tell me when the government forced you to stay in your house under the threat of law in Pittsburgh or in PA? You can't, because it didn't happen.
The dining room at Applebee's closed for a few months and schools went remote. That's about it.


t1_j5p5pk8 wrote

No reason for the downvotes buddy. I got downtown a week before they put mandatory curfews down and pulled out the bullhorns. They barely even did that for the riots. And by got down there I mean living on the streets. I saw everything. It was very real. So take your downvotes and shove it up your ass. Your just arguing that nothing was done like a backtrodding coward. Plenty was done and people for the most part of what I consider civil lived up to that.


t1_j5p6d3b wrote

Ain't me downvoting you, but I added mine just in case.
Nobody in Pennsylvania was locked inside their house at any point. Period. Applebee's going to takeout only for a few months isn't a lockdown.


t1_j66diub wrote

I don't know where you were at but in Pitt they pulled out curfew squads for weeks and there were three days in the beginning that were full lockdown. Here goes the downvote


t1_j697xsn wrote

I live in the city. At no point in time was there ever a full lockdown. They even kept the liquor stores open. Everything was "essential."

Being forced to get takeout instead of eating in the dining room is not a "lockdown," no matter how much idiots claim it was.